Dividend Rates

Table data for TFFFCU Dividend Rates
 Effective 03-26-2025
Description Term & Balance Requirement Rate APY1 Alert Me
Savings $5.00 0.20% 0.20% Receive a notification when this rate changes
Money Manager $5,000 and up 0.600% 0.600% Receive a notification when this rate changes
Money Manager $25,000 and up 0.650% 0.650% Receive a notification when this rate changes
Money Manager $50,000 and up 0.700% 0.700% Receive a notification when this rate changes
IRA Savings 0.500% 0.500% Receive a notification when this rate changes
Checking 0.01% 0.01% Receive a notification when this rate changes
Certificate, Regular and IRA 6 months 2.250% 2.250% Receive a notification when this rate changes
Certificate, Regular and IRA 12 months 2.500% 2.500% Receive a notification when this rate changes
Certificate, Regular and IRA 24 months 2.750% 2.750% Receive a notification when this rate changes
Certificate, Regular and IRA 36 months 3.00% 3.00% Receive a notification when this rate changes
  • 1APY = Annual Percentage Yield

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