Auto Loans

Your Best Rate — New or Used

At TFFFCU we believe the rate you receive should be based on your credit, not on whether you buy a new or used auto.

We’ll Help You Get Behind the Wheel

You’ve Earned a Great Rate

That’s why you will be charged the rate you have earned regardless of what auto you decide to purchase.  Chances are we can supply a low-interest loan for any borrowing idea that’s demanding your attention.

RV and boat loans are available, too!

Apply for a Loan Now

Start your application today or get answers to your loan questions.

Richelle Palm

(419) 474-7200 ext 19

Email Richelle to Apply

Auto Loan Rate Details

Table data for Auto, Boat, and RV Loan Rates
 Effective 03-26-2025
Loan Type Description Repayment Terms APR1 Alert Me
Auto Loan Up to 84 months; Over 72 months add 0.5% 5.99% Receive a notification when this rate changes
Boat and RV Over $25,000 up to 144 months; Over 72 months add 1.0% 5.99% Receive a notification when this rate changes
  • 1APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Rates shown are "as low as" based on credit score.